I first met Simon in Newcastle as the ‘gang’ all cohabited in Castle Leazes. Regularly going to visit & stay with Phil, I grew to know & love the lanky guy from ‘darn sarf...’ Caroline & I became good friends and I’m so sorry we lost contact those years after. Simon used to love the weekends I’d visit as I would always cook a Sunday dinner & if any of them were out, I’d plate it up and they’d have it later. I don’t ever remember Simon not being there for his!! I have fond memories of Simon always being the first up on Ken’s shoulders to ‘Wonderwall’ at flat parties, nights out & especially our engagement party where he ruled the dance floor. 🕺 Simon was then an usher for us at our wedding, it was great to see him & the beautiful Caroline on our special day. Such a polite, friendly and caring person who always made me feel welcome & included, thanks Simon x You will be greatly missed. May he rest in peace. God Bless. My thoughts and love are with Caroline and the family. Sam xxx