I knew Simon since 1990 - at one time we were probably best friends. In the Summer of 1991 or 92 we went backpacking around the south of France - he looked after me on the beach in Cap d’Agde when I was sick with flu. Or at least he didn’t abandon me. I remember him bringing crusty French bread, blue cheese and tomatoes. (I think he didn’t get sick at all.) I studied with him for 4 years in Newcastle, meeting at Castle Leazes and then sharing a flat for the following 3 years. It was during this time he met the wonderful Caroline. He was always the person you checked your homework with. He was always so organised and got stuff done well ahead of time. And he was super bright - everyone respected him a lot. More than anything though, I remember his kindness and self deprecating humour. He was always funny but never made other people the butt of his jokes, and if he ever teased anyone, as we all did, they never felt offended. I don’t have any photos to share from that time - I never took any. Simon was always the one recording everything for posterity. (Or maybe Ken, Phil or Paul - rarely me or James.) I do have strong and fond memories of time shared at gigs - the Wonderstuff, Carter USM, Suede, and many others. I remember our Rockshots Student Nights, getting loaded on cheap vodka at home before heading down to dance to the Wonderstuff, James, the Stone Roses, the Smiths, the Jam and others. One memorable night outside the club: Simon, armed with a screwdriver, on my shoulders, with the intention of removing the (“Waterloo Street”?) street sign as a memento. It was affixed with rivets. At least we didn’t get arrested. Simon, I miss you mate. I’m sorry I didn’t stay in touch so well these past few years. You were and are often in my thoughts. Caroline and family, you have our deepest condolences and our thoughts are with you. Jase & Vess